Sunday, 20 April 2014


I have been readings blogs on a variety of subjects for ages and the more I read the more inspired I am to start my own blog.

I am not ready to out myself at the moment so just call me MSM.

I live in a village in Mid Suffolk with my husband and my two children; I have a son who is 17yrs old and a daughter who is 11yrs old.

We have kept chickens for many years in our back garden and then this extended to a meadow in the village and this is where we have our smallholding.

At the moment we have chickens, turkeys, geese and goats and soon we will have some lambs.

Our smallholding is just for fun really but in the future we hope to buy a smallholding and make our living from that - ideally we will run a smallholding where people can come to do voluntary work and gain skills. (We do not wish to be involved in care farming as such as this involves people using their budgets to be able to come to your farm, we want to give people such as ex-offenders the chance to be involved even if they don't have a personal budget).

We also have 3 cats and one day we hope to get some dogs.

So over the course of the next week or so I will introduce you to my animal family and the stories behind them.

Thanks for following


  1. Welcome to blogland, it's great fun! Looking forward to hearing about your growing smallholding.

  2. I am looking forward to reading more from you.

  3. Hello and welcome to the land of blogging, do you think you could add a followers tag to your side bar and then I could follow your posts??? looking forward to hearing more of your small holding life......

    1. I am not sure if I have done it right but I found a Followers widget which I have added. Thanks for popping by to see me.
