Sunday, 11 May 2014

7 New Additions

So we have 7 more additions to the fold!!

On Tuesday night 8 poullts hatched but by Thursday morning one had died - poults just love to die, they just cant seem to stay alive so it is quite hard work looking after them.

I seem to run between the house to the shed to check on the 7 and then up to the top to check on Mummy and her 2 and then back to the house for a little while.

This is the first picture - it's a bit red because the lamp is so low as they need loads of heat

I will see if I can get some better ones today.

Mummy is doing well, she is letting the poults explore but as soon as she sees me she calls them, yesterday one was outside the hut and flew like lightning up the steps and under her wing and the other one crouched down behind a lump of straw to hide!! It's quite good fun trying to get a glimpse of them.

She is bringing them further down the garden each day but I saw a jackdaw yesterday and I am worried he might take a poult.

I still think, despite the time taken to catch them, that we have done the right thing - if we had left them on the meadow they would have certainly died by now - either by a rat/bird or by dying of the cold.

1 comment:

  1. Well done on your new additions, I hope they thrive well for you
